What We Offer
CAN WiN supports employers to create accessible and inclusive workplaces by providing free recruitment, retention, training, and consultation services in British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Manitoba, and Ontario.
Our services are available virtually, making it easy for anyone to access our services, no matter where you are located.
Recruitment Support
CAN WiN offers tools, training, and resources to enhance inclusive hiring. We promote your job opportunities and connect you with local employment services for candidate referrals and job matching.
Retention Support
Beyond the successful recruitment of a candidate, we work closely with you to develop and implement strategies, best practices, and policies geared toward creating long-term, meaningful employment relationships.
Be Recognized as a Leader in Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility
Showcase your commitment to inclusion through logo placement on our website, features in our employer spotlight social media series, and opportunities to be nominated for the prestigious Untapped Workplace Inclusion Awards
Current Employer Partners
We are proud to partner with many employers who are committed to the inclusion of people with disabilities in the workforce.
All of our Employer Parners are committed accessible employers in Canada.
Resources for Employers
Accessible Employers
The Community of Accessible Employers (CAE) is a free network open to all employers dedicated to workplace inclusion. CAE offers valuable free tools, resources, training, and events tailored to BC employers, empowering them to recruit, hire, and retain employees with disabilities.