Important Notice
We recently experienced a technical glitch between Nov 29th - Dec 12th preventing online form submissions on our website. We sincerely apologize if your application, inquiry, or other form was affected.
The issue has been resolved.
If you have any questions or need help resubmitting your inquiry, please email us at and we'll be happy to assist you. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
How We Help
We believe Canada has an abundance of talented people with disabilities who are focused on connecting to a career with inclusive and accessible employers. That's what we do - recruit people with disabilities into meaningful careers with inclusive employers in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario.
Our services are available virtually, making it easy for anyone to access our job matching services no matter where you are located.
Not sure if you're eligible for services?
All people who identify as having a disability or being disabled are eligible for CAN WiN accessible recruitment, retention, and disclosure services. Our colleagues at Accessible Employers define disability for us below.
What is a disability?
A disability is a condition that affects your mind or body. It could always be present or it could come and go. A disability may stop you from doing the things you want to do.
Barriers that get in your way could be:
physical such as a curb or a heavy door,
other people's attitudes about you,
the expected ways of doing things that are not easy for you.
A disability could be:
physical - such as having a hard time using your legs or arms.
sensory - such as not being able to see or hear.
mental health - such as feeling sad for a long time or unable to be in control of your thoughts.
learning - such as having a hard time with reading, writing or math.
communication - such as needing technology to help talk with others.
intellectual - such as needing help from others with everyday tasks like managing money and organizing time.
cognitive - such as having a hard time thinking, remembering and doing things in order.
functional limitation - such as not being able to walk very far because of a heart condition or being in pain a lot of the time.
Do you need help getting job-ready?
Finding sustainable and accessible employment can feel overwhelming when you don't have support, which is why we partner with Disability Employment Service Providers across Canada to help prepare you for employment.
Our Service Partners can help you get job ready by:
helping you build your resume and cover letter;
facilitating skills training to increase your employability;
providing job coaching, vocational counselling and personal career planning;
supporting you in the procurement of assistive technology at work, and more.